
Micro Party Lectures at QMES

On the morning of September 30, under the arrangement of the Party Committee of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kong Jie, Party Branch Secretary of QMES, delivered the first micro party lecture in QMES. The theme of this lecture was to elaborate the spirit of National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities.


On the lecture, Kong Jie profoundly expounded the students' ideological and political work from the following criteria - to correctly understand the world and the general trend of development in China,tocorrectly understand Chinese characteristics and international comparison, to correctly understand the responsibility and historical mission of the era, and to correctly understand the great ambition and hardworking. Combined with his own experience andunderstanding, Kong Jie shared with students the cultivation concept and goal of QMES. He further explained the questions “what kind of person should QMES develop and how does QMES develop students’ skills and help them to grow into international talents”.

The micro lecture is an important implementation taken by the Party Branch of QMES to thoroughly learn the spirit ofStrengthening and Improving the Ideological and Political Work of Colleges and Universities in the New Situationreleased by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. It is also an important move for leaders of the school to communicate and exchange ideas with students in ideology. Under the circumstance of Sino-foreign cooperative education, QMES Party Branch endeavor to make micro Party lecture into a normal mechanism so as to lay a solid foundation for nurturing a new generation of capable young people who have a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding and are well-prepared to join the socialist cause.
